Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Best foot forward

So, here I sit, 'working from home', with my mummified foot raised and in pain thinking, "I really ought to update my blog." I haven't touched it for months; not through a lack of anything to say, just through laziness. So, for the x-millionth time, I promise to update this bloody thing more frequently. Not that I will.

So what have I been up to? Well, skipping the last few months - honestly, if I remember later, I'll write about it. Short-term memory is where it's at - here's the potted history.

The wondrous Dresden Dolls played the Astoria the other day. Last time I saw them, at the Scala, there were about 50 people there. Now the place was full of Nine Inch Nails fans. Still, spread the gospel according to Amanda & Brian. And they were fabulous. The new album is more genius, and the whole show was spectacular. And they are happy for their shows to be filmed and stuck on that there interweb.

Since the gig, I've not been able to do a lot, owing to an operation on my foot that has left me hobbling around in an orthopaedic shoe and - last night - in considerable pain. Until yesterday, I was impressed with the NHS. Following a tedious and oft-transferred telephone call to the hospital yesterday, I've somewhat changed my mind. I may get into that at another time. Thus, I spent a week sitting on my sofa, popping painkillers (the one time I didn't take the drugs, while hosting a party to enjoy Lordi's magnificent Eurovision win, I awoke the next morning with the worst hangover since I was a student). I made the mistake of going back to work on Monday - I may get a seat on the tube, but it took hours to get in and hours to get back; which leads me rather un-neatly back to working from home. Where we began...

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