Thursday, July 14, 2005

Filthy Lucre

Here I am, four days into my new job, and I suppose I'd better get my first impressions down before they become general feelings and, subsequently, entrenched dogma. (I say here I am: please understand, I am not still at work; they've not been that harsh on me in my first week.)
Well, I certainly know I'm working. Unlike some jobs I can recall (the last one, notably), I'm actually occupied. All the time. With frequent deadlines.
"We have to get this out TONIGHT..."
Unfortunately, most of my work thus far has been using the world's worst computer program. PowerPoint. It's not just that it is overused and makes people rely on flashy slides rather than fine oratory - although it clearly is. (One day, I dream of seeing a presentation by someone who can present - really create a good impression - without slides or pre-prepared overheads. My lecturers, back in the day, used to do it. The ones I remember best, and who were the clearest and whose information actually stuck, were those that didn't use projections. They merely drew anything vital on the white/blackboard. The use of slides - especially with handouts - is an invitation to fall asleep.) No, it's bad because it doesn't work. 'Can I change this colour?' Can I bollocks. 'I just need to align these.' Why won't you fucking align? God stike down this beastly machine.
The people? Well, everyone has been too busy. Which is odd, because if the company disappeared tomorrow, nobody would miss it. It's not like doctors or teachers or policemen, who would be missed if they all disappeared. Yet everyone seems to think their job is so important. You have to laugh at them (not out loud, though; that's a sure-fire way of making enemies). I'm going out tomorrow for someone's leaving do. It's not that I know them, but - as my new colleagues have said - it's a good time to meet everyone in a more relaxed environment.
The machine that makes tea and coffee actually just provides hot water with 'dark' flavour in it. I never thought I'd miss the FoulBrewCoffeePotStuff from the last place.

I do miss The Boy and Our Mysterious Ladyfriend. However, The Boy hasn't updated his blog for a while. I think he might be pining...

Or fucking. I'll believe what my ego wants me to...

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