Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The paedo files

I went to a christening last weekend (not the one just gone, the one before that). Apart from the immense tedium of one and a half hours of pious crap and the hypocrisy of the catholic church [Dear God-Botherers, want people to come to your church? Then why not try not boring them to tears on a Sunday when they could be sleeping!], it was a very strange sermon.
What would be an appropriate topic for a Sunday when a child is being christened in front of the congregation? Innocence? The wonder of life?
Or paedophilia?

Nice choice Father. How thoughtful. Funnily enough, though, he did not mention that centre for excellence in abusing young boys - the catholic church. It wasn't quite draw-droppingly inappropriate, but it was close, and it was noticed by - oh - everyone there.

So, I didn't find religion, and I lost even more respect for those who spread His word. Still, it was amusing in a dark, ironic way...

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