Thursday, October 13, 2005

Looking old; feeling older

Hoorah: welcome to my triumphant return to the land of blog. I've been gone a while, lost in the nightmare that is Long Hours and Permanent Tiredness. And it's not about to end soon. And I'm getting more and more lines.
To be fair, I'm feeling a lot perkier, and I keep thinking of things to write. It's just that (i) I can't write anything at work, (ii) I have the magnificent ideas on my way home from work, which is now such a slog that I've forgotten by the time I get home and (iii) I just want to slump when I do get in.
Still, I'm playing football twice a week, making sure that I see my friends more, dragging myself out of the flat at the weekend (may I recommend this to those of you with children to entertain/shock) and generally Doing More (albeit not a lot more).
So I'm going to get writing more, to entertain all my faithful followers who have been starved of the word of Your Lord. Until then, worship me (etc.)

1 comment:

deafdisco said...

It's about time. Welcome back, let's get together and terrorise this town soon.