Wednesday, August 03, 2005

No no, no no no no, no no no no, there's no limit (Texas hold-em)

I held my inaugural poker game on Saturday night. As these things should be, it was a boozy and raucous affair, with pop music and bongos a-plenty. The game itself was won my The Wigan Mouth, but there is actually very little to tell.
In fact, there is very little to tell about my life at the moment. Despite the new job, I still have no money, and I really am going to have to live frugally if I am ever to pay off my debts. It's depressing thinking about it. My social life is, by necessity, becoming extremely limited: in fact, the only thing for it is to play more poker (although drink less beer while I'm doing it).

Ah well. One day I'll be rich.

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