Wednesday, August 24, 2005

No news is no news

Regular readers of this blog - and if you are one, in the words on Why Don't You, why don't you go out and do something less boring instead - will have noticed that I haven't updated for a while.
Well, nothing interesting has happened to me. Nothing I have noticed recently has tickled my fancy. Work is dragging on; busy busy:::but nothing actually important being done. The open-mouthed shock I registered when I saw the Back To School signs in WH Smith being advertised with Playboy stationery was similarly picked up pretty sharpish by the national press, so no point in writing anything about that. And the summer has, not to put too fine a point on it, been bollocks.
Still, I've made the effort to phone a friend I haven't spoken to since Christmas, I have a wedding to go to this weekend and I've booked tickets to go for a weekend of debauchery in Glasgow. So I'll have stories to tell soon...

1 comment:

deafdisco said...

Thank God you're back posting, even though it's about nothing.