Monday, June 13, 2005

Isn't it ironic (no, Alannis, it's not)

I know I said I was going to write a review of Sin City, but I've kind of gone off the idea now. Suffice to say that it looks exactly like a graphic novel made into a film and could just as easily have been a cartoon. It's very stylish (and stylised) but ultimately completely vacuous and hollow. It all depends on what you're expecting; much as a graphic novel is a simplified novel for people with no imagination - or maybe just a throwaway story for light entertainment - the film is unencumbered by plot or depth. Still, it's better than most other action films in that it's not completely mindless...
Instead, I'd like to bitch about other peoples' weddings. Having already purchased my 70s Porn Star suit, I spent another small fortune on shoes, a shirt and a tie yesterday. Add to that the present - when I know damn well that they have a house full of these kinds of things, but are unwilling to do something gracious and ask for charity donations instead - the travel and the hotel, it becomes an expensive business. Fortunately, I'll be well dressed (although I'll have to keep away from anyone drinking red wine) and I'm going to have to make amends by drinking as much as possible at the free bar.
I'm not really sure of the point of weddings these days. Yes, it's a big piss up, but I could organise a far better night out (or in a marquee) for that sort of money, and it won't involve tantrums or tedious elderly relatives. And considering that many of these marriages will end in divorce (possibly not a comment I will actually be making at the weddings), it's all a bit of a palaver over very little. Perhaps I'm just too pragmatic and unromantic. I'm convinced that most men only go through with it because (i) they're desperate and feel that it's their last chance (or they are worried about losing out), (ii) there are significant tax reasons, (iii) because one or other of the sets of parents demand it or (iv) to stop the incessant nagging from the girlfriend (I suppose (v) some men are hopeless romantics, but that's just weird).
As for the women, I fear that they are all prey to childhood dreams of looking like a princess and having a perfect day. To be fair, all the weddings I've been to were conducted with enough humour and a considerable lack of worry from the brides that this wasn't the case. This next one...well, if it rains I imagine there will be much gnashing of teeth and wailing, and raging against God for how unfair it is on her special day.
I hope it rains...

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