Thursday, May 12, 2005

Blow jobs off

I have decided to eschew the usual press conference to bring you my momentous news. A full, oh, 18 hours or so before I even ram the official notification up HR's collective arse, I am proud to announce my defection from the Ministry of Truth.
I'm not saying that the decision was easy. Not the decision to leave, of course. That was simple. But where to go next. There comes a time in every man's life when he must face the tough decision: work in an office full of young women or try to develop a career. I'm not sure what swayed me, but it might have been the fistful of fivers waved in front of my face, tantalisingly close yet still out of reach. But who knows, in a few years - if I work hard and have a large slice of luck - I could earn a wage that matches my current outgoings.
I'm being presumptuous: I haven't actually been offered the harem job. But then again, I went to the interview knowing I was going to take the filthy lucre (or the future possibility of it) anyway. To be told by the manager that she was tired of people phoning just before their interviews to cancel because 'they had been offered another job in the meantime' made me wish I'd done the same. Still, it'll be a nice change for her to have someone turn it down after an interview, won't it?

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