Thursday, May 05, 2005

Eating with the fishes

And as I'm on the subject of Lake Tahoe, while I was there, another of my illusions was shattered. I was out having fine sushi, when I saw a clownfish in the fish tank. (I don't even want to get into the bizarre ethics of having a fish tank in a sushi restaurant: although I'm about to. It struck me as akin to having a slaughterhouse - made of glass - next to a pasture of cows. But considering I was happy to eat their cousins in front of them, I can't really complain: I never said I was consistent.)
Anyway, this clownfish. From a documentary I had seen the previous year ('Finding Nemo'), I had expected these fish to be larger: about the size of angelfish. Imagine my disappointment to find out how small they actually were. I'm tempted to sue Disney for giving me false expectations and being deliberately misleading about piscine dimensions; judging by their relationship to sharks and turtles in said documentary, they were much larger.
It's taken me this long to get over it, and I'm still not happy.

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