Monday, May 23, 2005

What Barry Norman didn't say next

I had the misfortune to see Star Wars: Revenge of the Shit yesterday. The salient points follow...

Lola Ferrari's breast implants* were more realistic than the computer-generated special effects.
Hayden Christensen's acting was more wooden than Jewsons.
Like. Nicholas. Cage. George. Lucas. Seems. To. Think. That. Important. Dialogue. Must. Be. Delivered. Slowly. And. In. Individual. Words. Unfortunately, he also thinks that every line must have Meaning.
The opening text could have been written by a five-year old with attention-deficit disorder.
With all the millions spent on the film, could they not afford someone to watch the first three films to check for continuity errors?

Still, it was better than the last two. But not much.

*I feel compelled to add that these did not appear in the film. It is merely a hyperbolic cultural reference point for how appalling the 'special' effects were. Special as in special school, I'd argue.

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